Saturday, September 19, 2020

Listening Sample Task-2

Listening sample task – Multiple choice (to be used with IELTS Listening Recording 2)


Questions 9 and 10 

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. 

9 Type of insurance chosen 

A Economy 

B Standard 

C Premium 

10 Customer wants goods delivered to 

A port 

B home 

C depot

Listening sample task – Multiple choice (to be used with IELTS Listening Recording 2)

Tapescript for IELTS Listening Recording 2 

(A customer has been arranging with a shipping agent to send a large box overseas. 

This is the last part of the conversation.) 

A OK right. Now obviously insurance is an important thing to consider and 

our companies are able to offer very good rates in a number of different 

all-inclusive packages. 

B Sorry, could you explain a bit more? 

A Yes, sorry, um. There’s really three rates according to quality of insurance 

cover – there’s the highest comprehensive cover which is Premium rate, 

then there’s standard rate and then there’s economy rate. That one will 

only cover the cost of the contents second hand. 

B Oh I’ve been stung before with economy insurance so I’ll go for the 


A Mh’hm and can I just check would you want home delivery or to a local 

depot or would you want to pick it up at the nearest port? 

B The port’d be fine – I’ve got transport that end. 

A Fine and will you be paying by credit card? 

B Can I pay by cheque?

Listening sample task – Multiple choice (to be used with IELTS Listening Recording 2)


9 C

10 A

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